Subscription Admins and Editors can access the Prompts Management Panel from the AI Assistant Main Panel Application by clicking 1) Settings button and then clicking to 2) Enable Edit Mode. The Settings panel will close and the panel header will refresh, displaying the 3) Manage button. Click Manage to access the Prompts Management Panel.
The Prompts Management Panel will open as shown below:
Here is an overview of the UI:
4) Add Prompt – takes the user to the Add Prompt form
5) Edit Prompt – loads the current prompt into the Edit Prompt form
6) Import Prompt – allows the user to import one or more prompts as JSON
7) Manage Prompt Groups – allows the user to organize prompts using named Groups.
8)Manage Audiences – allows the user to set an audience for viewing/running the specified prompt
9) Manage Help Items (shortcut to the Help Items in the Help Items Main Panel Application. This is present if the subscription has access to the Help Items Main Panel Application)
10) Filter Prompts by Application Scope – filters the prompts by the selected application scope
11) Filter Prompts by Prompt Group – filters the prompts by the selected group name
12) Search Prompts – filter the prompts by the supplied text search string