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AI Assistant for End Users

Applies to: AI Assistant

The AI Assistant is available as a separate, licensed product for VisualSP customers and once properly licensed a member of the VisualSP Product team will enable it as a Supported Main Panel Application in the customer’s subscription.

Once your organization has licensed the AI Assistant application and your Subscription Admin has properly configured it, the AI Assistant is available in the main help panel for end users as shown above. Initially, the the help panel will load the default application as specified in your subscription, but on subsequent loads the application will load the last used application as the active application in the help panel

To get started, we click the AI Assistant from the header of the main panel as shown in 1)

The end user then has the opportunity to choose between 2) suggested prompts, 3) more suggested prompts, 4) recently used prompts and 5) providing their own custom prompt in the provided input field.

For a custom prompt the user can change the Prompt Context with the 17) “Using” dropdown.

Once the end user provides an initial prompt the engine processes the prompt and returns a response stream to the AI Assistant window as shown below

Step 6) shows the requested prompt while step 7) allows the end user to copy the existing prompt text to the clipboard and step 8) allows the end user to re-run the current prompt.

The end user is limited to 10 responses in the current prompt context and the system tracks them as shown in step 9) below. Step 10) allows the end user to copy the response text to the clipboard for external reference.

As the end user scrolls through the response, they will reach a list of 11) suggested questions to refine the response, 12) the ability rate the response or 13) the ability to submit another custom question to refine the response or 14) links related to the current response context

Once the end user has concluded the current chat context, the user can choose to 15) start a new chat or 16) close the response window and return to the AI Assistant splash screen

Updated on January 30, 2025

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