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  4. ‘suppresswalkthru’ parameter in multi-page walkthroughs

‘suppresswalkthru’ parameter in multi-page walkthroughs

Applies to: VisualSP

In a multi-page walkthrough, the ?vspo-suppresswalkthru=true parameter is automatically added to the end of the URL when a Call to Action button opens a new URL. This parameter serves an important function in ensuring the smooth operation of the walkthrough.

It looks like this:

Purpose of the Parameter

The `vspo-suppresswalkthru=true` parameter prevents the walkthrough step from appearing on the Call to Action page. This is crucial for maintaining the continuity of the walkthrough across multiple pages. If the parameter is removed or altered, the multi-page walkthrough may not function correctly.

Why You Should Not Remove It

It's important to note that there is no way to manually remove the `vspo-suppresswalkthru=true` parameter from the URL. Attempting to do so may disrupt the flow of the walkthrough and lead to unexpected behavior. Therefore, it's recommended to leave the parameter intact to ensure the proper functioning of the multi-page walkthrough.


Understanding the purpose of the `vspo-suppresswalkthru=true` parameter in multi-page walkthroughs is essential for ensuring a seamless user experience. By allowing the parameter to remain in the URL, you can ensure that your multi-page walkthroughs function as intended, guiding users through each step of the process without interruption.

Updated on February 14, 2024

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