(Estimated admin time: 30 minutes – Estimated ROI: 200% per year)
The best way to keep your users engaged is to schedule useful help items to load automatically for them in various applications. For most organizations, scheduling one tip every 2 or 3 months is reasonable and effective. Some situations warrant loading tips more frequently.
You can find all of these help items quickly by filtering for the Keyword ‘Productivity Tip’ in your Manage All Help Items page (be sure the filter is cleared first).
Here is a list of recommended tips you can load in some of the most commonly used applications in Microsoft 365. Pick one and configure it to load automatically. You can also set up autoload dates in advance. Here’s a template that you can use to track these.
Here’s a list of some suggested tips:
SharePoint Online
- Find your recent documents all in one place
- Customize the view as you work
- View and manage version history
- Find your frequently used lists all in one place
- Snooze an email for attention later
- Have you tried ‘Sweep’?
- Quick manage your document
- Pick a better ribbon for Word
- How do I get out of Word Online?
- OneDrive tour
- New OneDrive dark mode
- Have you ever accidentally deleted a OneDrive folder or file?
- Search your Planner board
- How do I get out of Excel Online?
- Chat with yourself
- How do I get out of PowerPoint Online?
- You should always include both a start and a finish date for autoloaded help items to provide the best user experience. (Help items intended for long-term onboarding use cases may be an exception to this.)