Our users have told us that they get a lot of value out of using VisualSP as a feedback tool. In this article, we will show you a quick and easy way to collect feedback on a topic, tool, or feature using help items in your system.
Item 1 – The ‘how are we doing’ help item
This help item is a splash-screen walkthrough that is configured to load automatically one time in the appropriate context.
The ‘thumbs up’ image is configured to be a link to Item 2, and the ‘thumbs up’ image is configured to be a link to Item 3.
Item 2 – The ‘thumbs up’ help item
This help item is a splash-screen walkthrough that serves as a ‘thank you’ message when someone clicks the ‘thumbs up’ button.
NOTE: An ‘on display’ event is used to trigger a click on the close button for Item 1.
Item 3 – The ‘thumbs down’ help item
This help item is a splashs-creen walkthrough that serves as a ‘thank you’ message when someone clicks the ‘thumbs up’ button.
The ‘FEEDBACK’ button is to be a link to Item 4.
NOTE: An ‘on display’ event is used to trigger a click on the close button for Item 1.
Item 4 – The ‘feedback’ help item
This is a ‘webpage’ help item configured as described here.